How is it with hyperacidity really?

How is it with hyperacidity really?


I want to disprove one great myth here. And the fact that we can have an acidified organism. We can't! Our body will never allow it. If the blood pH changes, we die. However, the truth is that if we consume mostly acidifying foods, our body has a harder work. It has to neutralize them, which it does by taking the necessary minerals from the body, thereby decalcifying the bones, causes poor hair, nails, teeth, etc. Which logically depletes the immune system.

Highly acid-forming foods are meat, sausages, white flour, sugar, sweets, alcohol, processed foods, but also smoking, stress, anger, and all negative emotions.

At the same time, it must be said that natural acid-forming foods (meat, cereals, legumes, cheese) are of great importance. They supply the body with the necessary nutrients. Anyway, the consummation of neutral foods (milk, sour milk products, butter, eggs, virgin oils) and alkaline-forming foods (vegetables, fruits, millet, quinoa, positive emotions), should logically prevail.

If somebody offers us miraculous cocktails or other preparations against the hyperacidity of the organism, he certainly does not care about our health, but a wallet. In this respect, ordinary water with lemon is enough ;-).

Overview of acid-forming and alkaline-forming foods in the gallery.