Few principles which can help our health

Few principles which can help our health


1. In the morning on an empty stomach drink a glass of water, preferably with lemon.

It will start the metabolism and the excretion of harmful substances. 

2. Drink fluids of room temperature or warmer. All of cold liquids and foods from the fridge burden the body and the immune system, which weakens (the more in the summer if we are overheating). Leads to the hypothermia of internal organs - back pain, an inflammation of kidneys, bladder, etc.

3. Don’t drink during a meal or immediat…

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What are the main principles of a proper diet?

What are the main principles of a proper diet?


I am for the involvement of common sense and intuition, years of experiences and facts.

  • Food for the whole day must contain quality sugars, fats, and proteins (about 55: 25: 20% for an average individual). The deliberate omission of any of these food ingredients is unfounded and I consider it a health hazard. Obviously, our body will also cope with these cases in the short term, but it is unnecessary suffering.
  • The basis is the main dishes - breakfast, lunch, dinner. Ideally supplemented…
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How is it with hyperacidity really?

How is it with hyperacidity really?


I want to disprove one great myth here. And the fact that we can have an acidified organism. We can't! Our body will never allow it. If the blood pH changes, we die. However, the truth is that if we consume mostly acidifying foods, our body has a harder work. It has to neutralize them, which it does by taking the necessary minerals from the body, thereby decalcifying the bones, causes poor hair, nails, teeth, etc. Which logically depletes the immune system.

Highly acid-forming foods are meat,…

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Visceral fat, why is it created and how to get rid of it?

Visceral fat, why is it created and how to get rid of it?


There are three types of fat in the body. 1) in the muscles, 2) in the subcutis and 3) inside the abdominal cavity among the organs = visceral fat.

We are not able to directly influence muscle fat. We hear a lot about subcutaneous fat. We know that we can get rid of it by movement and that it is more or less aesthetic. But what is not talked about so much is a much more insidious and dangerous fat visceral. It can only be detected by measuring on the bioimpedance device (I recommend InBody). …

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Food quality is absolutely crucial. It must contain enough nutrients that we divide into micronutrients and macronutrients.

The nutrients that we need in relatively small amounts are micronutrients. These include vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. Thanks to them we have healthy bones, teeth, hair, nails, skin, good immunity. It also participates in the proper functioning of hormonal processes in the body. Conversely, we are talking about malnutrition in their shortage. It is manifested b…

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Food quality is absolutely crucial. It must contain enough nutrients that we divide into micronutrients and macronutrients.

Nutrients that we need in relatively large amount are called macronutrients. They are sugars, fats, and proteins. They give us energy.

What do we get them from?

  • Sugars (carbohydrates) are the main source of energy. Especially for the brain, nervous system and muscles. If we have a little of sugars, nervousness and poor concentration are the first to manifest. Bu…
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